* Tickets for this event are now sold out. Please sign-up for our newsletter for info on how to win a pair of tickets for this event. *

We’re planning a small event to celebrate the 5th birthday of Belgian Smaak—a live podcast recorded in front of an intimate audience in the Tinnenpot theatre in Ghent on Saturday 30 March 2019.



Wild Hype Train—The Future of Mixed and Spontaneous Fermentation in Belgium


Raf Souvereyns of Bokkereyder
Pierre Tilquin of Gueuzerie Tilquin
Tom Jacobs of Antidoot Wilde Fermenten



Kris Herteleer of De Dolle Brouwers

(On his innovation, his art and the changes he has seen in beer throughout his career)



Tickets for this event are now sold out. Please sign-up for our newsletter for info on how to win a pair of tickets for this event.


→ A live podcast recorded with a panel of personalities from the world of Belgian beer discussing their own personal stories as well as issues facing the industry. 

→ Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the guests at the end of the panel / interview.

→ Samples of beer will be available to try in the private reception area before the recordings and during the interval (no alcohol is permitted in the theatre room itself).

→ A unique location in the heart of the beautiful city of Ghent (the characterful Bonbonnière room in the Tinnenpot theatre).

→ We’ll be using the event to raise money for a great cause—kinderkankerfonds vzw—a children’s cancer fundraising organisation who support families at UZ hospital in Ghent.

→ A celebration of Belgian Smaak’s birthday.


**The event will be an all-ticket affair.**

In previous years, our events have sold out fairly quickly, so join our mailing list if you’d like to be among the first to know when tickets are released. Because of the limited capacity of the venue and in order to keep the event as intimate as possible, we’ll be keeping the amount of tickets available relatively small.

Tickets are €22 each, the cost of which goes towards: paying the cost of hiring the venue; buying beer for tasting; audio equipment and recording; ticketing fees and taxes; and a donation of €5 on each ticket to the kinderkankerfonds vzw, a children’s cancer fundraising organisation who support families at UZ hospital in Ghent. We do not make any profit on this event.

Tickets are limited to two for purchase at a time to give the opportunity for lots of different people to come along as opposed to one group booking en masse. 


Saturday 30 March 2019

6.30pm: Reception with beers, hosted by Eoghan Walsh of Brussels Beer City (Awarded the title of Best Young Beer Writer 2018 by the British Guild of Beer Writers).
7.30pm: Panel Discussion: Wild Hype Train—The Future of Mixed and Spontaneous Fermentation in Belgium
8.45pm: Drink / Comfort Break
9.15pm: Interview with Kris Herteleer of De Dolle Brouwers
10.30pm: End

Please note: the discussions and interviews will be conducted in the English language.


The live podcast for #SMAAKDOWN19 will take place in the Bonbonnière room in the Tinnenpot, an old theatre in the heart of the Prinsenhof district in Ghent’s historic city centre (Tinnenpotstraat 21, 9000 Gent).

The red plush seats of the Bonbonnière were once located in the Ghent opera house and the authentic theatre balcony and stage make it the perfect location for discussions about the heritage and drama of Belgian beer.



KRIS HERTELEER—De Dolle Brouwers

Kris Herteleer is the owner and brewer at De Dolle Brouwers in Esen, West Flanders. Herteleer started the brewery with his brother in 1980 after a period of home brewing as students, studying architecture and medicine respectively. Herteleer is an architect, an artist, a historian and an innovative brewer. His beers include Oerbier, Arabier, Dulle Teve and Stille Nacht.



Raf Souvereyns started Bokkereyder in 2014, maturing and blending lambics and using different varieties of fruit. He spent time with winemaker Ghislain Houben, the founder and owner of Winery Hoenshof near Souvereyns’ home city of Hasselt. While he has appeared at several international beer festivals, his beers are available only at In de Verzekering tegen de Grote Dorst in Lennik, recently voted Belgium’s best bar.


PIERRE TILQUIN—Gueuzerie Tilquin

Pierre Tilquin is a bio-engineer and holder of a PhD in statistical genetics. He studied brewing science in Leuven, then apprenticed at breweries in Belgium including Huyghe, 3 Fonteinen and Cantillon. Tilquin founded Gueuzerie Tilquin in 2009 in Bierghes and it is the only gueuze blendery in Wallonia. A gueuzerie, or Geuzestekerij in Dutch, is an enterprise where Gueuze à l’ancienne (or Oude Geuze) is blended.


TOM JACOBS—Antidoot Wilde Fermenten

Tom Jacobs started Antidoot in 2018 with his brother Wim, constructing a small farmhouse brewery and fermentorium next to his house in Kortenaken. Antidoot produces wild ales fermented with indigenous yeast and bacteria from the surroundings of the brewery and experiments with gruits and fruits grown in their orchards, vineyards and fields.



We will be making a donation of €5 from each ticket to the kinderkankerfonds vzw, a non-profit children’s cancer fundraising organisation who support families at UZ hospital in Ghent. The objective of the kinderkankerfonds vzw is to promote the physical and mental health of children with cancer, to improve the social situation of the child and the family concerned and to support scientific cancer research.

The project we will be donating to is called “deLIEving”, a play area, recreation and meeting space, and living-room for siblings of cancer patients. Families of childhood cancer patients and of other chronic serious diseases experience a lot of stress. Beside the psychological stress, family-life is disorganized for a long time. Whereas parents are allowed to stay with the patients all the time, visiting-hours for siblings are mostly limited. Siblings may feel lonely or left out. Specific attention addressing their psychosocial well-being is needed.

To meet these needs, the kinderkankerfonds vzw set up a day care for siblings. In this play area and living-room, very close to the hospital unit, siblings can stay near their ill brother/sister from diagnosis up to the end of treatment and get the support they need, whenever their parents are in the hospital. There they can play, make homework, get a meal, take a rest…

They are accompanied by educators, who are aware of the medical treatment, trained in listening to children and well-equipped in different expressive methods. Creative workshops and activities focusing on the way siblings experience their brother or sister’s disease are organized. The living-room is open every working day from 9am to 7pm. All siblings are welcome from 0 to 14 years old. The day care is free of charge.

Here’s a look back at what happened at previous events:


2017: Two Irish breweries (Boundary and Kinnegar) collaborated with two Belgian breweries (Alvinne and Siphon) to create very different beers for the event, including a tripel mash barrel-aged sour beer and a low-alcohol rye ale.

Chocolates from Katleen Vanderlinden of small-scale artisanal producer Chocobolic were presented by Werner Callebaut of Bierolade for pairing with the beers and visitors from a wide range of countries descended upon the cosy Siphon restaurant in Damme to celebrate with us on the evening.


2016: Hof Ten Dormaal, De Ryck and Maenhout were the three Belgian breweries who poured at our first event, creating beers made from marshmallows and cocoa nibs among others.

Elisa prepared Rocky Road, Belgian Chocolate Brownies and Chocolate Truffles and an enthusiastic crowd turned out to party with us in the historic courtyard of Het Huis Van Alijn in Ghent.


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Don’t miss out on more information about this event. Join our mailing list to find out when tickets are available.