“Seven litres of water are needed to make one litre of beer,” says our guide as the windscreen wipers on the bus of the Belgian national soccer team work overtime to show us the way from Brussels to the hop fields of Palm Belgian Craft Brewers outside Steenhuffel. “Rain is securing the future of Belgian brewing.”
The 2015 European Beer Bloggers & Writers Conference – an annual gathering of beer writers, journalists and bloggers – began under an apocalyptic downpour as we were whisked from one historical brewing site to the next and speed blogged its way from the chocolate mousse laden hotel spaces of Belgium’s capital city to the bowels of brewery barrel rooms in the Payottenland.
You could write a book of stories about the weekend’s events.
But a picture says a thousand words.
So here are a load of them.
Includes: white gloves, unblended lambic, Matt good beer hunting, tweetdecking with very little deck, Stone pouring Silly and Frank Boon’s glasses.